Day 6 of School
Extremely late posting! What a whirlwind it has been: we arrived safe and sound from our Muggle Adventure, fast-forward 5 days and we...

"The Wand Chooses the Wizard"
Our Fund for Teachers fellowship has come to a close, but the magic will continue to brighten our library worlds and in turn the world of...

Sunny with a Chance of Magic
Cheers! It has been a crazy three days...with leaving Edinburgh and traveling to London was sad, bittersweet and EXHAUSTING. We only...

Elephants, Castles and Graveyards
No wonder today was exhausting, we were trying to make up for all the things we missed because of our travel delays and boy are we paying...

Meanwhile in our World...
I'm happy to report that we are back in Edinburgh and even after the unforgettable experiences of the Highlands I can say I'm sooo happy...

Almost there...Take II
Our original post disappeared when we tried to add pictures. Here's an edited version: WITH PICS We are still waiting patiently in...

Glasgow and Highlands
Official Day 1: Our day started with a brisk 1.6 mile walk to our tour location pick up. What a way to start off our morning. Definitely...

Allison House
Safely tucked away for the night. Allison House is perfect. Quiet, clean and quaint...a welcoming place after a long journey. Can't wait...

The Muggles Have Landed!
Finally, after what feels like days, we arrive 10 hours past our original arrival time. Still grateful for arriving safe, ready to...

Germany: Here We Come!
Due to the weather delay, you guessed it, we missed our flight to Edinburgh. We sit and wait patiently now at O'Hare for our flight to...